News/Update videos?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I have had an idea for a type of video that not many people create on YouTube compared to Let's Plays, Funny moments and stuff and I wanted a bit of feedback to let me know what you think of my idea?

So I have been researching a lot to see what type of videos gain views and things and I have had the same answer most times "Do unique videos that haven't been seen a million times" so although this has obviously been done a lot I could make it unique by adding commentary and doing other bits in the videos so what do you guys think of News/Update videos where I sort of do reviews and give my personal opinion of new things coming out and DLC and stuff?

I see a few videos here and there with the same content as my idea but either they don't have commentary or they are done through websites and events and stuff so if I done them videos and added commentary and made them unique would they be worth giving a go? All feedback is appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to read this :D