Newbie needs help:3


New Member
I'm relatively new to YouTube, I've recently started a 2 channels with my friends, and later on this year I hope to get my own channel.
The only thing is, I have literally no ideas, whatsoever.
Any ideas?:)
Well, why don't you try looking at what you like doing and then just show the world? :) Like I like being silly + vlogs + montages so I did all of those things! Try watching other youtubers and seeing what kind of videos you'd like to do. Good luck! :)
Well, think about the kinds of videos you like to watch, they will interest you the most, so maybe try your hand at them :)
Gaming, vlogs there are so many options c:
The only piece of advice I can think of, is try to be unique c: come up with a idea that not many people have done before !