New Member
Over the last week or two the people I watch's videos haven't been buffering as normal. I tried old videos and they work fine, 720p 60fps but videos that come out now have buffering problems. Them same settings on a video that has come out in the last week or two struggle to buffer but older vids work just fine. And a youtuber called Galm, his new vids work fine to. So why is every other video being uploaded having trouble buffering???? Old vids work and Galms work but every other new vid struggles to buffer. Hmmmm, maybe Galms new vids were made before this lag bug hit... That would explain why his videos work fine, or he's doing something different. I've tried tons of stuff. It all seems to just be that new Youtube videos being made have buffering problems. And as far as I can tell it's just me with this problem ... Why do Galms vids work fine but everything else struggles.. The only thing it leads to is something has changed with Youtube. Virus maybe, they're under attack. ... I tried the Youtube app on PS4 to and that had trouble. Old videos work so can't be my connection. I'm going nuts with this thing x/........ Hopefully it's just a matter of Youtube needing to fix something. Because I can't find anything at all. O and it started happening around the Windows 10 creator update to. But that just seems to be a coincidence. I'm pooped with all of this lol.. Thanks for any help .