Gaming New YouTube/Twitch Discord looking for more active members


Active Member
I'm going to try and keep this as simple as I possibly can I'm here just to mention the new Discord group I made called The Gaming Society. The group is made for channels of any size to come join and hang out with others I wanna try and build up an active chilled group of people. And hopefully a drama free group too. Don't think of this group as being a clone of let's say the Vanoss group or the SwaggerSouls group. This is open for you to do whatever and to collab with whoever you want and do your own stuff. So far there's around 8 of us which is a good enough start most being UK with some members being from the US too. But all is welcome

Also I should mention ages too we're looking for people age 18 - 20 lowest we'd go on age is 16

If you are interested in joining please feel free to either private message me your Discord name or Just drop a message down below with it and I'll get back to you as soon as possible (which should be quick)

LOL and I said I was gonna make this simple my god this is a lot