LOL no, is b.c the new layout makes it easier to organize your subscriptions, and how you want to view content on youtube. If you take your time to explore this, like I and hundreds of other people, You'll see that you will also unsubscribe to channels you don't really watch... I Myself Unsubscribe to over 140 channels, b.c wtf... I don't even watch them.... So is not youtube making you loose subs... Is people cleaning up their content. Not saying your content is crap, but if people unsub is b.c they no longer find your channel relevant. Don't take it personal
With technology advancing and many creators joining youtube, exposure is becoming a bit more difficult, so you may want to rethink and see what it is that makes you unique. If your content is not in anyway different from thousands of similar content, your bound to be lost in the wave of data
Get creative, and Good luck!
Youtube's Team of Dedicated monkeys make no mistakes! All of their changes and improvements are made by observing user interface and how we look and view content... So in a way is thanks to us Youtube is evolving.
Last Tip...
If your content is not being seeing... maybe is just not all that great?
With this I'm not saying I'm better, because I myself am a penut as well, However, I spend Hours upon hours researching content and why it makes it great. Making a living on youtube is not as easy as people think, Is a lot of work. Nevertheless, Once you become known you have already won half the battle.
Good Luck Peeps.