New YouTube Channel

Will Miles

Hey guys! Lately I have been wanting to make another YouTube channel. I've had the same channel since I was 10 years old but now the style of the videos I have made on that channel is kind of wearing down. I am thinking of making a new comedy sketch show called "Sketch'd Up" I already have the channel. What would be a good way to get this project off the ground and make it happen?
Well back then when I switched over to a new channel (due to needing a new name) but I just made a video that I was switching over and it worked ok not all who subbed switched but over time (5 years in march) it worked out ok.

But now a days I think you should mention the channel and maybe have some content up for people to see so they can see what they'd be switching to. An then eventually switch over to it, that way your not jut hitting a reset button.