New Subscriber Intro Video

This should be in the reviews section you monster.

It was okay by the way, a bit "first draft" feel though as nothing really felt fleshed out.

The music with that style has been done a million times so idk. It's a pain to do those so maybe just keep it. Just my opinion.
This should be in the reviews section you monster.

It was okay by the way, a bit "first draft" feel though as nothing really felt fleshed out.

The music with that style has been done a million times so idk. It's a pain to do those so maybe just keep it. Just my opinion.

My bad!

Appreciate the feedback amigo!
Well, it worked as a charm on me! i was laughing, the song choice wasn't the best, but damn, love your editing style, and love the way you mix the animated bits with RL video , and you guys are funny too, saw the first episode, and subscribed! Great idea (that i haven't seen before) and i will keep watching! keep up the good work, and if Dicko and Gregsy want to "come to Norway" for a collab, i would freaking love that!

BTW: you could get a better Mic as it can be hard for people in other countries to understand what you are saying at times, your voices gets a bit lost in the background music at times, invest in a better shotgun mic, and you'll be golden :D
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Well, it worked as a charm on me! i was laughing, the song choice wasn't the best, but damn, love your editing style, and love the way you mix the animated bits with RL video , and you guys are funny too, saw the first episode, and subscribed! Great idea (that i haven't seen before) and i will keep watching! keep up the good work, and if Dicko and Gregsy want to "come to Norway" for a collab, i would freaking love that!

Jeez! Thank you very much *kisses forehead*, appreciate the feedback. Funny story about the music, I was actually looking for the piece "hall of the mountain king" and that's how I came across incompetech. Well we can always record a small clip for you to use in your videos, a reponse to a question or just something random :)
Jeez! Thank you very much *kisses forehead*, appreciate the feedback. Funny story about the music, I was actually looking for the piece "hall of the mountain king" and that's how I came across incompetech. Well we can always record a small clip for you to use in your videos, a reponse to a question or just something random :)
I would love that, give me some time, and ill figure something out :) btw, i edited my last comment with some more feedback :)
Looked like you spent a decent amount of time on it. Although, there is one thing I can say about this that might help you when you make your next trailer. Talk about what your channel is about as nothing really came across to me other than you do comedy, but not sure what kind or what about. Just food for thought!
It looks good and seems like you spent a lot of time editing it, but i didnt get what your channel is about from that video alone.