I've Got It
New daily series me and the crew of 1Life2Play will be doing. Calling it the Daily Spark, where we give the best and worst news of the day, plus shout outs to other Youtubers. From time to time, there will be contests too. Starting with tonight's debut episode of the Spark, we will do the shout outs!
We know were not huge but we think we can get huge together! The best part of our shout out is we give not just you're channel but also talk about your latest upload, plus we get on and leave comments and feedback so even your viewers and ours know we're for real about checking out your channel!
Since the shout outs idea just came to us, we need someone to shout out quickly, as we're still recording and editing this one! Is that someone you? Let us know in this thread or send me a PM. In the future, we will take shout out requests through Twitter only. Thanks for your help and participation!
We know were not huge but we think we can get huge together! The best part of our shout out is we give not just you're channel but also talk about your latest upload, plus we get on and leave comments and feedback so even your viewers and ours know we're for real about checking out your channel!
Since the shout outs idea just came to us, we need someone to shout out quickly, as we're still recording and editing this one! Is that someone you? Let us know in this thread or send me a PM. In the future, we will take shout out requests through Twitter only. Thanks for your help and participation!