Well-Known Member
This is a sample song from the (in production) machinima "BERZERKER" which will be filmed inside of Blacklight Retribution.
Will be aired as a series (minimum 5 episodes) - potentially much longer.
The story follows a privately funded mercenary team as they attempt to undermine the corporations.
The setting takes place in the Blacklight universe with no specific reference to any timeline.
Main character -BERZERKER-
Side characters -Alista- -Marrow- -Estad- -Shiya-
Will need bodies for some scenes so if you are interested let me know. "you will need to aquire armor and weapon sets, luckily the game allows for renting these items"
Voice acting talent is taken for the main roles but may include more if you are talented enough.
Disclaimer- no payment will be offered for services. However you will be mentioned in credits and the multitude of 'in the making" videos that will pre-empt and follow the series release.