New idea for channel. need opinions pleeease!


Well-Known Member
Hey all ive recently been thinking of what type of videos to do without spreading my Gaming channel out too thin and would like your opinion on this new idea ive been working on.

Ian's (Very Flawed) Theories:
Ian's Childhood adventures:

These would be done once every other week and to give an idea of what they are about here's what i was thinking.
With the "Ian's Theories" the whole idea behind it would to be to babble about stupid ideas or things that come to mind (ex. why chairs are shaped the way they are, If I made a saw trap, How we went from grunts to speaking actual words) you know silly things.
And the Childhood adventures is obviously gonna be about crazy things that happened when i was a kid (ex. when i saw this little boy hit his sister in the face with a stick, getting yelled at by an old lady when i was selling candles for school.)

The way i would tell these stories would be with pictures that i draw on photoshop (kinda how like swoozy) tells his stories.

So let me know what you all think!
I love it!!! If the visual portion is done right, you've got a winner! Just make your stories varied, some good, some bad, ect.