New Channel Name!


YTTalk's Fox
I just came up with the name for a new channel called: Soptify

What do you guys think? Is it good or should I stay thinking? :)
Moved this to Branding & Channel Design. :D

Err... I'm not too sure about that one myself. I would think for a little longer to see if I could come up with anything else.

But of course in the end it's whether you really like it or not. ^.^
Moved this to Branding & Channel Design. :D

Err... I'm not too sure about that one myself. I would think for a little longer to see if I could come up with anything else.

But of course in the end it's whether you really like it or not. ^.^

I think I might go for a new one, because:
seems a cool name, kinda like spotify :)

everytime I search it up Spotify comes up first, it seems to similar to their name too, thanks guys! ^^
Seems cool read it out as soaptify for a sec but it could work. But I'd suggest a bit of tuning or drawing boards magic to be sure. (seriously, don't be me and be a doctor who regen youtuber) :P
Hmm. How does "Pentra" sound?[DOUBLEPOST=1401749410,1401749393][/DOUBLEPOST]

I just found my new channel name! :D[DOUBLEPOST=1401749516][/DOUBLEPOST]

I forgot to thank you for your services! ^-^
Ooooh... I definitely like that one better. :D It has a nice retro kinda sound to it (as weird as that seems).