new channel idea?

Sweet Tooth Outlaws

I Love YTtalk
Tonight I was watching my husband play GTA5 on the PS4, and I'm not the best driver or the best game player, but he wanted to try driving, I did okay besides taking out a few people, cars, etc. He was like you know we should do a youtube channel where you play games, you aren't the best game player, but you wouldn't be trying to play the game bad,it's just how you play.

I told him that that would be entertaining, let's just say I can drive better in real life. This was a stupid idea that probably won't happen, if it did it would be different from other let's players who try to not to mess up, because I suck at games!

What would everyone think and would you be interested in watching someone who actually sucks at playing games trying to play a game?

Like I said this idea probably won't happen, just want to see what everyone's thoughts would be.
Tonight I was watching my husband play GTA5 on the PS4, and I'm not the best driver or the best game player, but he wanted to try driving, I did okay besides taking out a few people, cars, etc. He was like you know we should do a youtube channel where you play games, you aren't the best game player, but you wouldn't be trying to play the game bad,it's just how you play.

I told him that that would be entertaining, let's just say I can drive better in real life. This was a stupid idea that probably won't happen, if it did it would be different from other let's players who try to not to mess up, because I suck at games!

What would everyone think and would you be interested in watching someone who actually sucks at playing games trying to play a game?

Like I said this idea probably won't happen, just want to see what everyone's thoughts would be.
Aha this would be great i personally prefer watching people who are new to a game play it rather than a pro play it as it won't be as entertaining as they won't be making any mistakes.
Aha this would be great i personally prefer watching people who are new to a game play it rather than a pro play it as it won't be as entertaining as they won't be making any mistakes.

I think it would be a fun idea for a channel, because yes I don't play games that much, but when I do it's entertaining! If they had a count of how much money you cost in damages to the vehicle and the surroundings around you well let's just say I would have no money to my name lol.
I think it would be a fun idea for a channel, because yes I don't play games that much, but when I do it's entertaining! If they had a count of how much money you cost in damages to the vehicle and the surroundings around you well let's just say I would have no money to my name lol.
xD LOL this reminds me of GTA San Andreas ;)
I like it when gamers make mistakes. Far too often I see this flawless dudes who go around and get it all done precisely without dying and you lose faith in your own ability so quickly.

I would go for it. With a funky name like NoobGamerOfficial.

If you went about it the right way, you could have a good idea in your hands :)
That would be a cool and funny idea. Seeing as you have not played many games in huge amounts of time, it`s interesting to see how newer people would react to playing certain games and whether they would get use to playing that game over time. Nice idea indeed.
Thank you everyone for your input. It's surprising how much people would like to see this type of gameplay channel, I would have thought people would get irritated at newly gamers who aren't that good.