New Canon G20 Camera 1080 Looks Dark?


News Wizard
Hey guys, just got a brand new Canon G20 camcorder today and for some reason my test footage looks really dark. I used a "Vivid" filter setting and it brightens it and makes it look better, but I feel like there is a way to do that with the settings instead.

I'm using ~5200 lumens for my key light and ~3600 lumens for my fill, both 2700 K CFLs. So, it shouldn't be the lighting, unless the 2700 k spectrum sucks at 1080.

Anyone experienced this?
Focal Length: 4.25-42.5mm (35mm equivalent 30.4-304mm)

As far as ISO goes I have no idea
set your shutter speed to 1/30 your aperture to 1.8 and iso to about 400. If your aperture doesn't go to 1.8 try a higher iso but don't go past 1600 or you will begin to lose quality.