Never give up

I am a film maker myself and yes it is hard getting people to be in your film and sometimes I always think about giving up but I never do because if I give up I always think I am a failure but I am not because by then I just think to myself 'I just need to finish this and have fun' because that is what I do when I am making a film, so if you are a filmmaker and think you cannot do something just have fun and get it over and done with because itnt shows that you are more independed and reliable to do something.
You know You are totally.. oh wait never mind I give up.

Just kidding way to stay positive. Keep pushing and do what you love man.
This is kind of what I needed to hear. I haven't necessarily given up, but I've had no time to make videos with this new job I have. I really want to find a way to put time away to work on videos, but I feel like if I'm not working, I'm babysitting, or eating/sleeping haha. I need to get back on the YouTube grind...
This is kind of what I needed to hear. I haven't necessarily given up, but I've had no time to make videos with this new job I have. I really want to find a way to put time away to work on videos, but I feel like if I'm not working, I'm babysitting, or eating/sleeping haha. I need to get back on the YouTube grind...
I feel just the same. I work really early and then when I get home from work I just do something else most of the time (sleeping is one of those things).
It sad to see other youtubers give up when they just started they just need to give it time and put in effort, if your viewers see that you are legitimately trying to better your channel they will most likely stay. I may be new to youtube but I understand people are kind enough to help you out in the beginning and its nice to have such a strong community willing to help out the smaller channels. So just keep at the work and never give up!