Needs ideas for running a contest


New Member
Hi everyone,

Running a big contest on YouYube where I will be giving away 16 straight days of prizes. I will be releasing somewhere between 12-20 videos promoting this contest

The goal of this push is to grow my fanbase by attracting more viewers from my target audience. I'm working with a sponsor (they are supplying prizes) to get this going.

Here's my question, with everyone's experience and creative minds, what is the best way for people to enter the contest to grow my fanbase? I'm thinking like/subscribe/post in the comments for a chance to win in each of the videos for a chance to win. So people can enter more than once.

First time running a contest so big, any thought/comments/ideas

many thanks!
Thanks for the quick response and your interest in providing insight! Just put my channel in my signature.

My Contest is along the lines of soccer/comedy/pranks/etc. Running a contest for the upcoming EURO 2016 Tournament in the Summer.

PS- Having issues with my signature but my channel/username is "k13lock". I AM aware of the guidelines/rules for running contests
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You could do a variety of things - since you have 16 days some of the later competitions could be more creative, like viewers can make and send something, like a pic or something. Just to keep it varied.