Needing voice actors for a Bleach Let's Play


Loving YTtalk
I'm doing my first Let's Play and it is a Bleach game that is like Fire Emblem and not like the normal fighting genre. Only thing is I need some people to voice characters because I tried doing the adult males and failed worse than Yamcha. So if anyone has seen Bleach or just wants to try their hand at voice acting below are characters I'll need. Pretty much all the mains will have dialogue as far as I can tell so jsut tell me if you will be on board and I can set up characters for people to choose.
i could give it a go, but i havnt seen bleach... i was planning on though.
i should have a nice lil HD mic hanging around somewhere :P
Alright cool

Went to your videos to see who you would best to fit (Hope that is ok) would you be ok voicing Kisuke Urahara and Shinji Hirako?

would need to listen to them speak a bit before i could try to match the way they speak but ok
i could give it a go, but i havnt seen bleach... i was planning on though.
i should have a nice lil HD mic hanging around somewhere :p

Mind doing Shunsui Kyoraku and Jushiro Ukitake?
One is a lazy drunk bum and the other is a calm speaker XD