Needing some help here with anime reviews...


Hey guys! I have set up my youtube to be doing anime reviews. I just recently realized that my content is getting flagged for third party content just because I use pictures. I don't monetize them, so I don't think it goes through as a strike, but still, I don't want my content being flagged. ANYWAYS! I need some advice on what YOU would like to see in an anime review, or quite frankly, any review. I would just do my face such as how ForneverWorld does, but I wanted to do something more. I am also going to start up vlogging, so wondering what you guys think about me doing my vlogs on the same channel I do my anime reviews, or if I should spread it out to two channels. I am going to be vlogging/ranting(whole Jennamarbles type stuff).
crazy, lots and lots of crazy...and featured guests to share their opinions, taking just your opinion would leave the review biased (Which many frown upon), now to end this unexpectedly fish.
Hey guys! I have set up my youtube to be doing anime reviews. I just recently realized that my content is getting flagged for third party content just because I use pictures. I don't monetize them, so I don't think it goes through as a strike, but still, I don't want my content being flagged. ANYWAYS! I need some advice on what YOU would like to see in an anime review, or quite frankly, any review. I would just do my face such as how ForneverWorld does, but I wanted to do something more. I am also going to start up vlogging, so wondering what you guys think about me doing my vlogs on the same channel I do my anime reviews, or if I should spread it out to two channels. I am going to be vlogging/ranting(whole Jennamarbles type stuff).

the thing you can do is just the review style fornever, sawyer.. does but i think with a semi biral review you will get famous because you are a girl and that is very unique, do manga reviews of naruto each chapter that is coming out and stuff like that ( naruto reviews get the most views)

but use less pictures for reviews and do it each chapter

Edit: what i like to see is naruto, bleach, one piece, toriko reviews
I think you should review popular seasonal animes like shingeki no kyjojin or the monogratari series
I agree with Kaz, try starting one new series a week and giving your opinion on it. New anime tend to be much more heavily searched and will help you gain a bit more initial momentum. Also, DEFINITELY keep them both on the same channel. You want people to get to know YOU as best as possible. In the end, it is your personality that will make a show worth or not worth watching, and when you do not have a large audience yet, it is important to focus as much as you can on ONE thing. It is easy to get spread thin between producing on too many ideas.

Best of luck! :) Always hyped to see people excited about anime!
this happens ALOT its because if you have a newer channel it's going to assume bot; so just put up some random videos at first to establish authenticity and then go with some anime reviews with your face or an original drawing of you :)
I used to to AMVs a lot on my old channel lostwriter87 (which is only popular for a Paramore vid) I got a flag but I put up the copyright notice and artist's label appreciated the use of their music for greater appreciation :) so in many ways it could work[DOUBLEPOST=1377574946,1377574899][/DOUBLEPOST]be careful with anime themesongs :/ i believe sometimes videos get flagged and pulled for those if you use short snippets in sporadic places it's less noticeable