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For those who don't know what a Minecraft Rp is, think of it as a Minecraft tv show. I need voice actors for a series called The Chains of Corruption. If you want an example of the quality you'd be working with search Optimisticshyguy and click on the second most recent video. If you're interested email me at optimisticshyguy45@gmail.com or tweet me @Optishyguy


A good quality mic

At least 14 years old

Have good work ethic
I have a good quality mic, I'm 19 years old, and I have a very good work ethic. Add my on steam or skype. Steam: Von Clark The Shark skype itzxmorfos
I have a good quality mic, I'm 19 years old, and I have a very good work ethic. Add my on steam or skype. Steam: Von Clark The Shark skype itzxmorfos


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Thanks :)
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