Need video topics.

Well in need of video topics, I have gameplay (I'm a CoD player) and I wanted to know of any topics I could go over (I'm in a competitve team) and I just can't think of anything to make the videos more interesting, I've been told I speak well (meaning people understand me and hear me) so thats a bonus, but just need TOPICS! haha. I also need to make my videos more... how top put it... animated, I think is the way to put it, like, I need to work on making a outro and intro if people think it would help?

ALL advise is needed! any constructive criticism would help if you checked out my previous videos.

My YouTube is zBolttGaming if you check them out :) thanks for any help guys!
I think you should discuss the next Call of Duty game, it'll be very debatable and it won't be a dead topic to talk about.
How you got into video games, how you got into cod, your experiences with past cods, your youtube story, advice for new cod players, advice for new youtubers, the most embarrassing memory, your favorite memory, like others said, the new cod,