Need Video Ideas


I've Got It
I wanna start up my channel after Christmas, but don't know what to do videos on.
I really like the kinds of videos that TomSka does but doing something like that would just be copying and not original. Any ideas guys?
When you go into YouTube, you should already know what you want to do. I entered YouTube knowing I wanted to do gameplays, commentaries, etc. Do whatever you want to do. We can't tell you what to make on YouTube, only you can.
When you go into YouTube, you should already know what you want to do. I entered YouTube knowing I wanted to do gameplays, commentaries, etc. Do whatever you want to do. We can't tell you what to make on YouTube, only you can.
I agree with this. If you don't have at least a vague idea, you shouldn't start.
Try something like Tomska.
But make something original. There is a lot of funny videos to make.
Use your imagination and create a great youtube channel.