Need Video Idea !

Hey guys, I need to record a video ! The only thing is; I dunno what to do !

My channel is like vlog/style/tags/tutorials and stuff. I don't want to start vlogging yet because I want to get this channel a bit off the ground first :3
I was aiming to do another tag video but my videos are mostly that already ! xD
It might seem like I'm desperate *(Kinda am)* :p I really need some video ideas !

I'd really appreciate it if you'd like to share some !
Thank you ! :)
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Considering that you've only done tags. You can do vlogs, style videos, or tutorials. :P

Take a walk and see if some ideas come to you for a vlog, summer look book, uhhh yeah.
I've watched your videos, and you haven't done one where you properly introduce yourself yet! Tell us about your history, your dreams, your hobbies. That could be good? :)
You could do the YTtalk tag video or really any of the other tag videos here:

Now if it is the case that you don't want to make a tag video and no vlog just yet. Then there is really only tutorials and such left, but we can't really help with that, since I don't know what you what/can make a tutorial on ;)
Everyday makeup routine, nighttime/morning routine, room tour, easy hair styles, a makeup tutorial, ootw/ootd, look books, etc. Good luck!