Gaming Need Terraria Collaboration! (800+ subs ONLY)

Hey guys, it's JD here from JDLiveGamers. As I am growing fast (nearly 800 subs now), I would like others to grow along side me!

I have stared a terraria series and I would like multiplayer buddy!

Only fluent English speaking people please :)

JDLiveGamers is ma name, gaming is ma... game?
I'd love to
as long as it's not Terraria but Goat simulator
and instead of a collab I'm just gonna do the video myself
Goat simulator is love
goat simulator is hate
I took goat simulator on a date
roses are red
violets are blue
they don't think it be like it is
but it do
So take of your shoes
as you board my ruse cruise

sorry for the s****y poem, I'm up to no good.
I would be up for it, Since I can't find anyone with 1ksubs to collab with, But Idk how to play terraria sadly lol