Need Some serious Advice


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OK, so, I've been informed that my videos are boring and that the game I'm playing doesn't help because it's fairly repetitive(I've been told my multiple people).

I was thinking of deleting all those videos and starting with short game play's of more exciting games, before moving on to let's plays, but I thought I would run it by everyone here first.

So what do you think? Is that a good idea or do you guys have a better idea?

If you really feel strongly about it, I would just put the videos on Private instead of deleting them, just in case you change your mind somewhere down the line, you can just unprivate them.
i quite liked your pokemon yellow commentary, i think the problem is the type of game you've chosen, its veeery slow paced lol if you're emulating it you should try what i did and speed up the gameplay so there's not any long boring bits or if that fails try more action packed games :D there's no real reason to change your video style. :D
To be honest, I don't quite like the slow paced things and I cant fast forward the video because I'm talking along with it and if I fast forward video then audio becomes messed up, besides, I really don't have time for let's plays, I may delete the videos and try again when I'm more comfortable with the whole recording thing, but again, I want your guy's opinions.
hey bud with your youtube channel its very crowded. check out my main channel layout and look how i have play lists. put your games in playlists dont delete your old video's shows people were you started and were your at now. also helps you improve when ever i look at my old paintball videos i laugh at how i use to record anyways.. i suggest organize your channel a little better and just learn as you go dont delete old content it gives you views and views get you partnerships.
Alright, I put them in a playlist (once I find out how) but I think I'll start doing different videos and maybe make a comeback to those videos one day.
i might be able to help you there. first off go to your channel screen. then channel setting. click on tab then click featured then click the "everything" lay out.

the next part is easier but a little more writing so do this and let me know when your done
after doing the first part go to video manager. then on the left side click play lists tab. after that create new play list. after you have put the title and info in and save it go back to video manager. beside every video you will have the check boxs like your email. check the ones off you want in that play list. scroll to the top of the page and click the Add to button. from there click the playlist name and your all good