Need some HONEST advice and feedback.

Do you feel the content we're producing has an audience?

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Hi guys! We're fairly new to the YouTube world and would like some honest feedback. We've been using Facebook to promote our videos and I feel like some of the feedback isn't honest. I mean are friends and family really going to be objective? Of course not.

One of my favourite quotes is, "If you're going to fail, fail quickly." So....if what we're doing isn't working, or is not interesting, or there is no audience for it, I want to know, and quickly!

Anyone have the time to give us some objective feedback on the content we're producing? We're making a spin on vlogs and travel (in some) but want to experiment with other types of content.

Here's the channel:

Thanks for your time peeps!!

Hey guys, you wanted honesty here's honesty.
Audio video quality A+++++ :( all dat equipment veri naiiice)
You guys seem to vibe off each other pretty well given that you are a couple and that adds to the video, makes it cute.
Now, i didn't like the music; too much, too loud, too unnecessary, if i'm looking for a VLOG where people are traveling i want to hear more information and more scenery.
If your video was focused primarily on the hike, i would want to know, where, why, how, when, also the backstory of this trail, maybe something cool happened on it. TELL ME CUZ IM TOO LAZY TO USE GOOGLE. Also maybe talking to some people along the way would be really cool too.
Think of it this way. If a person who does not have the ability to travel stumbles upon your channel, would they be able to travel and feel the same excitement as you guys?

Hope this helped!
Bet of luck to you!
I liked the music myself but It ought to be more in the background, I'd drop the volume by around 30-40%. I really liked how you did the walk at a sped up only issue, and maybe I totally missed it, but did you even say where you were?

I thought the WorkoutPark split screens were awesome.

I have to say, this is they type of travel stuff I'd watch. Lived in Europe myself for a while so this is actually very familiar to me. Maybe a little more about where you are at various points in the video...what's interesting about what's around you.

All in all, I liked it enough to Sub.
Hey guys, you wanted honesty here's honesty.
Audio video quality A+++++ :( all dat equipment veri naiiice)
You guys seem to vibe off each other pretty well given that you are a couple and that adds to the video, makes it cute.
Now, i didn't like the music; too much, too loud, too unnecessary, if i'm looking for a VLOG where people are traveling i want to hear more information and more scenery.
If your video was focused primarily on the hike, i would want to know, where, why, how, when, also the backstory of this trail, maybe something cool happened on it. TELL ME CUZ IM TOO LAZY TO USE GOOGLE. Also maybe talking to some people along the way would be really cool too.
Think of it this way. If a person who does not have the ability to travel stumbles upon your channel, would they be able to travel and feel the same excitement as you guys?

Hope this helped!
Bet of luck to you!

That's really great feedback DeliciousCrackers!! Lol, love the name :P

I like your ideas about giving a bit of information about where we are, stories, etc, we've toyed around with the idea before and even got a bunch of footage. I didn't keep it in because I thought it was just too boring. Maybe we need to figure out a way to tell it in an interesting way.

Thank you for your time!! Really means a lot!![DOUBLEPOST=1491061482,1491061299][/DOUBLEPOST]
I liked the music myself but It ought to be more in the background, I'd drop the volume by around 30-40%. I really liked how you did the walk at a sped up only issue, and maybe I totally missed it, but did you even say where you were?

I thought the WorkoutPark split screens were awesome.

I have to say, this is they type of travel stuff I'd watch. Lived in Europe myself for a while so this is actually very familiar to me. Maybe a little more about where you are at various points in the video...what's interesting about what's around you.

All in all, I liked it enough to Sub.

Wow!! Thank you for the sub CanuckKidsTV!!! Are you in Canada?? Just guessing from the name :P

Good call on the music, especially certain parts after watching it again I found it did actually drown out our voices. Someone else comment about getting some information about location etc. so that's definitely something we need to get better at. I just have to figure out a way to keep it interesting. We've tried before but I thought the footage was a little boring lol.

Anywho, hope you have an awesome day CanuckKidsTV!! I really appreciate your great comments and the sub!! YAAAAAY!!![DOUBLEPOST=1491061543][/DOUBLEPOST]By
I liked the music myself but It ought to be more in the background, I'd drop the volume by around 30-40%. I really liked how you did the walk at a sped up only issue, and maybe I totally missed it, but did you even say where you were?

I thought the WorkoutPark split screens were awesome.

I have to say, this is they type of travel stuff I'd watch. Lived in Europe myself for a while so this is actually very familiar to me. Maybe a little more about where you are at various points in the video...what's interesting about what's around you.

All in all, I liked it enough to Sub.

By the way, I tried clicking on your channel link in your reply and it takes me to a page that says Channel Does Not Exist :)
Yes we are located in Quebec, just across the river from Ottawa's Parliament Hill..i heard you mention your friends back in Alberta...been to Calgary and Banff a number of times..

Thx for the heads up on the broken link, somehow I missed the last letter when I copied.

That's really great feedback DeliciousCrackers!! Lol, love the name :p

I like your ideas about giving a bit of information about where we are, stories, etc, we've toyed around with the idea before and even got a bunch of footage. I didn't keep it in because I thought it was just too boring. Maybe we need to figure out a way to tell it in an interesting way.

Thank you for your time!! Really means a lot!![DOUBLEPOST=1491061482,1491061299][/DOUBLEPOST]

Wow!! Thank you for the sub CanuckKidsTV!!! Are you in Canada?? Just guessing from the name :p

Good call on the music, especially certain parts after watching it again I found it did actually drown out our voices. Someone else comment about getting some information about location etc. so that's definitely something we need to get better at. I just have to figure out a way to keep it interesting. We've tried before but I thought the footage was a little boring lol.

Anywho, hope you have an awesome day CanuckKidsTV!! I really appreciate your great comments and the sub!! YAAAAAY!!![DOUBLEPOST=1491061543][/DOUBLEPOST]By

By the way, I tried clicking on your channel link in your reply and it takes me to a page that says Channel Does Not Exist :)
One of my favourite quotes is, "If you're going to fail, fail quickly." So....if what we're doing isn't working, or is not interesting, or there is no audience for it, I want to know, and quickly!
Brilliant. That's where the balance has to come in between not giving up and recognizing that maybe your idea isn't working. Too many people don't understand that.

Anyway, on to your content.

Seem like you're having a great time...check.
Attractive couple....check.
Professional quality....check.
Seem genuine and 'real'....check.

Honestly, that's the first vlog that I've ever watched over 3 minutes of. I find vlogs typically over the top/fake or boring. This was fun to watch. I was very impressed that it held my attention for that long. I honestly feel like it's only a matter of time before your channel blows up a bit, mostly because you are both very likable.

Good luck with your channel.
Brilliant. That's where the balance has to come in between not giving up and recognizing that maybe your idea isn't working. Too many people don't understand that.

Anyway, on to your content.

Seem like you're having a great time...check.
Attractive couple....check.
Professional quality....check.
Seem genuine and 'real'....check.

Honestly, that's the first vlog that I've ever watched over 3 minutes of. I find vlogs typically over the top/fake or boring. This was fun to watch. I was very impressed that it held my attention for that long. I honestly feel like it's only a matter of time before your channel blows up a bit, mostly because you are both very likable.

Good luck with your channel.

Hi Yaog!

We both want to say how much we appreciate your kind words! Literally we were smiling all morning, you made our day :)

Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
