Need Opinions Please. (Game Stuff)


Hey guys I've been testing the games I'm planning to Lets Play and I've run into a few hitches, so I was wondering if I could get some feedback on whether to do the games or not.

You see, I'm a bit of a perfectionist so if one little thing is wrong with one of my videos then it bugs me to no end, so I'm just wondering if these issues would ruin my Lets Plays.

Resident Evil 2:
The conversation with the gun shop owner only plays the first half of the audio for the conversation then it stops playing the voices so the characters only play out the actions as if they were speaking but they have no voices.

So this one, I'm not really sure how to approach, I've tried everything to fix it and I can't. I've worked on it for a few days now. I'm not entirely sure if this will happen throughout the rest of the game but I played through until you meet the second guy you speak to and his conversation was ok.

So is it something that would ruin the lets play? Or should I just continue business as usual?

Resident Evil 3:
Same kind of issue as with RE2 except it just seems to be one of the opening cutscenes that's bugged. Same as above, I've tried for ages to fix it but I can only make it less worse.
The audio kind of stutters but it's basically a 6-8 sentence long speech by the main character then about 3-4 sentences in it works fine and then stutters the last 2 sentences.

My main fear is that there will be more little audio glitches throughout the game but I played about 10-20minutes of it and not one thing went wrong.

Sorry for the long wall of text but I'm just not sure how to proceed. Whether I should skip these lets plays altogether or whether it's just a tiny little thing that nobody cares about.

Like I said, after playing for about 15-20minutes after each of these problems occurs, there seem to be no other problems, but without playing through the entirety of the two games I can't say for certain whether they'll come back or not.

So my questions are:

1. In a worst case scenario and these sound bugs continue to happen throughout the cutscenes/conversations of the games, Should I do them?

2. In a best case scenario and they are the only times in both games that sound bugs occur, Should I do them?
Alot of times, At least with my case, I like to watch lets plays not because of the game itself (As most of the time I've already beaten them) But because I enjoy the commentator. As long as your entertaining and such I don't think it matters, Really the game volume should be turned down pretty low anyways. Then again I just started doing lets plays myself so I might not know what I'm talking about, however I'm mostly expressing what I enjoy in an LP video lol.

Hope I helped!

Edit: also subscribed because I like the classic R.E. Games, I plan to do PS1 lets plays eventually myself :)
Yeah definately helped, I just get obsessed with little tiny bugs. I'm the same, I just focus more on the commentary than the actual game but when I'm doing the commentary I just try to make it perfect lol. Thanks alot.

Nice, they're easy enough to do but it's hard to get games to run 100% perfectly sometimes on an emulator (which is what I'm doing) but once you fiddle about with the settings a bit it should work ok.
Some of the best games are PS1 games anyway so you'll definately have a lot of fun with PS1 LPs :p

Oh and thanks for the sub too :)
Oh I know, PS1 games are probably my favorite. I'm having a hard time figuring out whether or not I like the SNES more or the PS1 as a console, they both had excellent games. I'll also be doing LP's of them both.