Need Opinions for Violence and Video Games Discussion

On June 3rd, we’ll be airing a brand new episode of our comedy entertainment show, Face Rockin’. Every month we ask for viewers to send in their thoughts and opinions to appear in the episode. The topic is: Violence and Video Games.

If you have an opinion on the topic, post it here and it could be included with your name/handle in the June 3rd episode of Face Rockin’ in a text graphic. Or you can upload a video to YouTube of yourself explaining your thoughts and send it to our YouTube inbox, and it could be chosen to appear in the show in a fan video segment.

Here’s the topic explained in detail:

Ok, so EVERYONE has an opinion on this: How responsible are violent video games for real world violence?

In a world where every week seems to bring a new tragedy of fatal violence, we sometimes ask who or what is responsible for this culture of increasing cruelty. It's not a new idea to point the finger at different types of media. Movies, TV, music, and more have all been blamed in the past for corrupting our society, but video games are the latest form of entertainment to be caught in the cross hairs. The fact that video games are built on user input fuels the rhetoric of critics of violent video games. The idea is that a game that encourages you to perform acts of virtual violence might desensitize you to real world violence. So, whenever a suspect in a major crime is discovered to have played violent video games in their leisure, the matter of whether those games were a contributing factor in that crime is discussed. Decriers of this thought process affirm that violent video games can't be blamed because every player of violent video games isn't committing crimes. Those on this side of the argument also point out the fact that there has yet to be proof that our current society is any more violent that older cultures that didn't have video games.

Then, there's the matter of minors who are obtaining copies of video games that are designed for a mature audience. Sometimes, it's uninformed parents purchasing the games for their children; other times it's careless retailers or older friends providing the questionable content. Whatever the source, it's a pressing issue that needs addressing. Some believe that the government and ESRB should play a larger role in regulating this violent content, while others state that parents alone should be held responsible.

So what do you think? Can video games legitimately be blamed as a contributing factor in violent tragedies? Does the interactivity of video games make them more influential on people's decisions than other visual media? Or, is this just another witch hunt? Is the link between real world violence and video games actually negligible?

And what about children who are getting a hold of violent games that are out of their age range? Should the ESRB do more to keep these games out of children's hands? Should that responsibility lie only on the shoulders of the parents? Are video game developers doing enough to clarify who exactly they are targeting with their violent games? Should the government play a role in regulating violent video games?

What do you think? What’s your opinion? Share it and it could appear in the show. Or upload a YouTube video stating your thoughts and send the link to our YouTube inbox and it might be chosen to appear in the show. The only requirements are that you keep your opinions concise and free of profanity and offensive content.

In most cases, we choose 3-5 text comments and 1 video to appear in the show. All comments and videos will be edited for length. Watch Face Rockin’ on June 3rd at 6pm ET on our channel to see if your comment or video made it into the show.

Thanks for participating!
But there is a lot of facts to prove that there is no correlation, its not even about opinion anymore it is a proven fact. To be brutally honest i think the subject shouldn't be brought up anymore ( Now that's an opinion )
As ThebatteryChicken said this discussion is extremely watered down and it's proven that violence in video games has nothing to do with violence in the society. People who think it has a connection knows very little about video games
Violence do not make people agressive or what so ever. I just think alot of people say video games are the cause so they don't have to do real research about it. I played alot of violence games with blood, horror and other stuff when I was young and now and I can't even kill a little insect and I know i'm not the only one.
In my experiance with myself and others there is no correlation.
But there is a lot of facts to prove that there is no correlation, its not even about opinion anymore it is a proven fact. To be brutally honest i think the subject shouldn't be brought up anymore ( Now that's an opinion )
I believe there was a study done that said as shooter games have become more prevalent, gun related violence has gone down (in the U.S). I'll look it up and edit this post if I find it.

I think it's funny how people like to try and use video games as a scape goat, yet there are 10000000 shows on T.V about murder mysteries and psychopaths and nobody says anything about that nowadays xD.
Regardless, they're rated M for MATURE people, if you're not mature, you should not own a shooter game.
I believe there was a study done that said as shooter games have become more prevalent, gun related violence has gone down (in the U.S). I'll look it up and edit this post if I find it.

I think it's funny how people like to try and use video games as a scape goat, yet there are 10000000 shows on T.V about murder mysteries and psychopaths and nobody says anything about that nowadays xD.
Regardless, they're rated M for MATURE people, if you're not mature, you should not own a shooter game.

People blame what they know little about and when they know little about something they get scared. It's been the same thing all through history. First it was books then music then movies and now it's video games.
I believe there was a study done that said as shooter games have become more prevalent, gun related violence has gone down (in the U.S). I'll look it up and edit this post if I find it.

I think it's funny how people like to try and use video games as a scape goat, yet there are 10000000 shows on T.V about murder mysteries and psychopaths and nobody says anything about that nowadays xD.
Regardless, they're rated M for MATURE people, if you're not mature, you should not own a shooter game.

People like me ? i clearly say there that there is no correlation i.e it has no effect, Unless your referring to the guy who posted this ?

And its actually also been proven that the majority of mentally ill people who have committed these violent crimes are actually more likely to read books. Still that doesn't mean books are to blame it just means that its pretty hard to get through life without reading a book just as its likely you will play video games these days.

What you guys need to make a video about is how mental illness not being treated properly in a country with a terrible health care system can be fixed. But i still dont understand why any of these topics are on a comedy channel surely its not really good content ?
People blame what they know little about and when they know little about something they get scared. It's been the same thing all through history. First it was books then music then movies and now it's video games.

Yup, agree 100%.
I don't play shooter games because I enjoy shooting people, I play shooter games because I'm a very competitive person, and there really isn't any game genre more competitive than online shooters. In fact I'm against people owning certain guns, hunting rifles, home defense pistols thats all fine and well but these people that own borderline military rifles for no good reason.. just WHY?[DOUBLEPOST=1369773679,1369773583][/DOUBLEPOST]
People like me ? i clearly say there that there is no correlation i.e it has no effect, Unless your referring to the guy who posted this ?
Wasn't referring to you at all, I was referring to people like that one Senator (I forget her name) who was really against video games a while back.
Yeah there are studies to show that violent video games does not cause violent people. Honestly i feel its just common sense. Video games are relatively new to the world but violence sure isn't, how can anyone blame violence on something that is still new. Violence didn't start 40 years ago. They use it as a scapegoat but in my opinion the real issue is the quality of life, and societal pressure put upon people.[DOUBLEPOST=1369773790,1369773723][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yup, agree 100%.
I don't play shooter games because I enjoy shooting people, I play shooter games because I'm a very competitive person, and there really isn't any game genre more competitive than online shooters. In fact I'm against people owning certain guns, hunting rifles, home defense pistols thats all fine and well but these people that own borderline military rifles for no good reason.. just WHY?[DOUBLEPOST=1369773679,1369773583][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wasn't referring to you at all, I was referring to people like that one Senator (I forget her name) who was really against video games a while back.
Hilary Clinton Wanted to ban GTA