Need Ideas For Videos


Active Member
I am hoping this is the correct place to post this, if not sorry. I want to do some challenge videos or some rants but I am not sure what ones to do and even when I do get an idea for a rant or challenge I forget to write it down so it never gets done. I was hoping if you guys could help me out and give me a couple of ideas for some challenges or rants I could do. Thanks! :)
I am hoping this is the correct place to post this, if not sorry. I want to do some challenge videos or some rants but I am not sure what ones to do and even when I do get an idea for a rant or challenge I forget to write it down so it never gets done. I was hoping if you guys could help me out and give me a couple of ideas for some challenges or rants I could do. Thanks! :)
First, drink a cup of chocolate milk, a cup of grape juice, a cup of coffee, and eat a bag a Flamin Hot Cheetos. Go into a public place like Walmart or a foodcourt and spin around as fast as you can and see how long you can go without throwing up. You would likely need someone to film you do this unless you attach a gopro to yourself.
First, drink a cup of chocolate milk, a cup of grape juice, a cup of coffee, and eat a bag a Flamin Hot Cheetos. Go into a public place like Walmart or a foodcourt and spin around as fast as you can and see how long you can go without throwing up. You would likely need someone to film you do this unless you attach a gopro to yourself.

I will do this when I have a handheld camera and not my webcam!
Sweet! Let me be the first one to know when you do it! What kind of camera are you going to get?[DOUBLEPOST=1402789523,1402789474][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just go up and sniff their a** then, they will just think you're a weirdo

I will try to! I'm not sure really, probally just a small video camera cause I will only be getting about £40 a week when I go to college.
If you are vlogger, the common angle people will take is to focus on themselves. That's what vlogging is about. Its about you, so speak about stuff that you think about! Even the littlest thing can be a good video. Its all about execution. Even something about complaining about the noise people make in cinemas can be entertaining. It is your channel, try and think of things you want to do.

Something I did a while ago was make a list of the type of films that I want to make and certain things I want to master. Now I can make videos entirely around them. Think of things you want to do and then vlog about either the process, or rant about your experience.
In regards to challenges, look up what other vloggers are doing recently. Cinnamon challenge is always a good one, public pranks are sometimes good as well, maybe physic challenges? 30 day plank challenge?
It really depends on what you want to do. Its your channel, do what you want! :-)