Need idea..!!


A Gamer From India - Ha Ha
Yesterday my channel hit 2k subs & I'm very happy lol.
Today one of my sub commented on a video & said - "lol, time to make a 2000 sub vid man!"
So, here is the problem, I have no idea what kind of video should I make for this situation. So I was wandering if you guys could help me.
Thanks in advance.
I agree with Super Pawsitive! Because your channel is Top # videos, doing a Top 5 or 10 funniest/best/coolest whatever moments would make sense.
Why don't you cut out loads of pieces of paper with "2000" written on them, and then fill a bath tub with these pieces of paper. The whole video could be you in a bathtub full of little 2000's talking to your subscribers about how far you've come. Bonus points for colourful language.