I have a few tips that I use when I write scripts:
1. Use the program CeltX. It is a FREE script-writing program (films, theatre, novel, storyboards, etc) It makes the writin process simple, organized, and super easy!
2. What kind of script are you writing? I write comedy scripts and the first thing you need for a script for a comedy sketch is a good concept. Some really easy, solid concepts that you can use are: funny commercials, fake "hidden" cameras, parodies, bogus how-to videos, fake voice-overs, etc. Once you have a good concept, the writing process is pretty straight forward.
3. Write and re-write. If you don't like certain parts go ahead and change them. Nothing is set in stone.
4. 1 page of a script is about 1 minute in video length. So keep in mind how long you want your video to be.
Some basic video tips:
1. Have a good, solid beginning. You need something that will catch the viewers eye and make them want to watch. If it's too slow or boring in the first 10 seconds, most people will click away from your video and not watch it.
2. Have a special little cherry at the end. When a person is done watching your video, the ending is what will still be fresh in their mind. If you make a bad ending, the viewer will think that the video was a waste of time for them to get to the bad ending. Since the ending is fresh in their mind, and if it was good, it will make viewers want to watch another one.
Keep those tips in mind too when you are writing the script. Hope I helped and good luck with the script!