Need Help With A Channel Name!


Hey I made a new channel and its currently my Google account name but i can change it, does anyone have any suggestions?
Do what I did... pick ur favorite things... find something you really like about that thing... and then make an adaptation on it.
EX: My name is TheRhoxShifter
The - Obvious
Rhox - Rhox is a rhino like creature from the game "Magic the Gathering" and is also my picture.
Shifter - In the MTG universe there are beings called Planeswalkers that planeswalk between different planes in the multiverse. Shifter is a reference to that.

long and stupid back story, but now that I've used it for a long time it feels nature :D
Do what I did... pick ur favorite things... find something you really like about that thing... and then make an adaptation on it.
EX: My name is TheRhoxShifter
The - Obvious
Rhox - Rhox is a rhino like creature from the game "Magic the Gathering" and is also my picture.
Shifter - In the MTG universe there are beings called Planeswalkers that planeswalk between different planes in the multiverse. Shifter is a reference to that.

long and stupid back story, but now that I've used it for a long time it feels nature :D

thanks i will try that
Pick something you like, or what your channel is going to be about. Be unique though, don't have a name similar to another big channel. (Example; ____Cast) and make minecraft /other games. That name is very similar to yogscast. Also choose something that is easy to remember. (Not something like Halo847285Gamer84860381)

You can google random name generator to give you ideas :)
Try adding your hobby or like your nickname.

I've been using the nickname - "Zombot" for awhile now, and decided to add a PLUS to it to make it look more unique as Zombot was already taken. :c
For mine, I remembered an old animation done a few years back where someone slowed down a person saying "Potato" in this really epic voice. So, When I made a new channel I dived straight for it, and managed to get the username /pawtaytoe

So, It can be luck. It can be a bit of originality. Just do your own thing :)