A fellow creator once said: "If you are not bursting from ideas YouTube may simply not be the right thing for you" - nothing bad about it.
I would go one further and say that ideas are only the start and not nearly enough on their own.
It seems that far too many people heard that you could make money from making YouTube videos and swarmed in thinking it was a quick and fun way to make it rich. Unfortunately, they didn't get the memo saying that it's an incredibly overly crowded market and getting noticed, let alone making real money, is rare for the vast majority of channels and that, while coming up with ideas and possibly even making videos may be fun, the editing, promoting, following the trends, and working with SEO for the description and tags certainly is anything but.
The short of it is that, unless you're willing to throw a lot of money in to advertise and promote your channel, it will likely take a lot of time and a tremendous amount of hard work to get anywhere. If you're looking to make a quick buck and aren't willing to be all in for the long haul, there are plenty of other places to make money a whole lot easier.
For me, animation is my passion. I started this channel 7 years ago just so I could have a place to show off my work to prospective clients or companies and (ideally) show my artwork to as many people as possible. While, like many of you, I always hoped (and continue to hope) that one of my works goes crazy viral and I start making tens of thousands a month, that has never been my main reason for the channel.
I've had numerous ups and downs, I've had YouTube remove one of my videos for no reason (I was allowed to repost it, but still lost 1.4 million views in the process), and I've had videos I thought would do well barely move and videos I did for fun completely take off. In the end, I'm still enjoying all of it and strive to continue building this channel more and more. The second it feels like work and it's a hassle for me to come up with ideas and do everything else needed for it to grow, I'm done.
Life is too short to do something you're not passionate about - especially something you're likely to never get paid well for.