Need Help Unlinking From AwesomenessTV Network


"Title goes here"
Does anyone know how to unlink from the AwesomenessTV Network?
I'm supposed to just have a 2 year contract with them that was supposed to end today and I've also tried unlinking last year so the unlink button doesn't show on features tab, After searching for 3 mins, I saw a forum post mentioning about them renewing the partnership so I would have to be with them another 2 years If I was late to unlink....
So I'm posting this to see If this has happened to anyone else that's with them or used to be!
When it comes to contracts, if you want to leave networks, most of the time you have to tell them 30-60 days before your contract ends, that you want to leave, or your contract will continue for another 2 years, i am not exactly sure how awesomenesstv works, but it believe they follow this system.
Don't request unlink via features. Contact their support helpdesk and ask there, their contract is kind of a no lock-in because they don't uphold the 2-year term.