Need Help to create this effect in Photoshop


I don't know if this is the right place to put the thread. I saw a thumbnail that jacksepticeye made for his fallout 4 video and i thought that the effect he made was really cool and i want to learn how i made the effect so i can use it for other stuff. I don't want to copy his thumbnails or anything i just want to learn the effect cause i think it
looks really good. As you can see on the dog its like a oil paint/cartoon effect and thats what i want to know how to make.

Looks like an over application of HDR (High Dynamic Range) or sharpening. You could try looking up tutorials unless someone else can identify it 100%

EDIT: Or there's an Oil Painting filter in Photoshop:
Looks like an over application of HDR (High Dynamic Range) or sharpening. You could try looking up tutorials unless someone else can identify it 100%

EDIT: Or there's an Oil Painting filter in Photoshop:
Thank you so much i will try it!
I'm not sure what effects you are actually referring to. What part of the dog you thing is cartoonish/oil paintery?
For a similar effect I did this in photoshop:
  1. Load picture into background
  2. Using the Burn tool and a soft large brush darken the area around the main subject 1 time
  3. Using the Dodge tool and a soft medium brush lighten the main subject 2-3 times
  4. Copy the background to a new layer
  5. In the new layer use the magnetic lasso tool to select the main subject
  6. Use the Filter->Brush Strokes->Angeled Strokes on the selection (long strokes, lots of sharpness)
  7. Create a reveal all layer mask for the layer
  8. Using a Soft medium black brush paint on the layer mask to reveal details (eyes or text)
What people above refer to as HDR effect is in essence achieved in steps 2 and 3. To be honest the picture you show above seems to be an overlay of two images, 1 of which has been treated with this method. Unfortunately I can't upload any images here to show the (intermediate) results

I hope this helps
Search "kwebblekop copying other youtubers" and choose the one with all the eyeballs in the background. He does a tutorial where he copies this EXACT thumbnail!