Need help finding a new anime for an AMV


Active Member
Hey Guys I recently started doing AMVs (I have 2 so far), now im thinking of what I should do next but I dont know what anime I should use, I used bleach for the previous ones because I already knew what scenes I could use since I watched it 3x. I thought about using naruto but there are enough amvs of that. If you could suggest some new animes that would go well with rock music like Red or Thousand Foot Krutch please let me now, and it shouldnt be too old so I can get high quality material. Have a nice day :)
Try out BTOOM. It's a reasonably unknown anime which is a more modern and unique take on a kind of Hunger Games/ Battle Royal. It's 12 episodes and reasonably condensed compared to the manga, but it does have some really good scenes in it.

Here's the ones I would suggest for their awesome looking visuals ripe for AMVs:

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Sword Art Online
Stiens Gate
Kill La Kill
Attack on Titan
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Avatar: Legends of Korra
Darker Than Black
Black Lagoon
Dangoranpa - the Animation (not really been used in many AMVs recently)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Hope this helps :-)
Try out BTOOM. It's a reasonably unknown anime which is a more modern and unique take on a kind of Hunger Games/ Battle Royal. It's 12 episodes and reasonably condensed compared to the manga, but it does have some really good scenes in it.

Here's the ones I would suggest for their awesome looking visuals ripe for AMVs:

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Sword Art Online
Stiens Gate
Kill La Kill
Attack on Titan
Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
Avatar: Legends of Korra
Darker Than Black
Black Lagoon
Dangoranpa - the Animation (not really been used in many AMVs recently)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Hope this helps :)
I have already watched BTOOM I really enjoyed it! I liked the concept of it that it was a death-survival "game" like SAO
This is a great list thank you I have only watched a few out of them, I've got a lot to watch now