Request NEED HELP! Any graphic designers?


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Hey guys and girls, we just changed to the new youtube layout, thinking that I could make a banner on my own. Then I realized that the dimensions were too small for our banner and we don't have any way of producing a larger scale of the banner we have. So we are turning to all graphic designers for help! We would like to know if any of you could help us out with making a banner for our channel. It would help us out so much and in return we will give you a shoutout and help you grow your channel in any way possible! Thanks for anyone who replies and we will talk to you later! :D
Hi, I can't design stuff like that, but there are loads of threads with the prefix 'Service's by people offering to make some free custom banners. I'd say check it out :D
Oh and I got my awesome banner from here threads/this-week-only-free-new-youtube-banner.45986/page-10#post-345186

This awesome guy is making free banners this week! Good luck :)
Hi, I can't design stuff like that, but there are loads of threads with the prefix 'Service's by people offering to make some free custom banners. I'd say check it out :D
Oh and I got my awesome banner from here threads/this-week-only-free-new-youtube-banner.45986/page-10#post-345186

This awesome guy is making free banners this week! Good luck :)

Thanks for sending this! :D We appreciate your suggestion!
Hi, if you're interested, I'm able to make banners too. You can check out my channel for an example, or the top 4 channels that are featured on mine (I also designed those banners)
I can do many things, what is seen on those channels is not all that I'm limited to. I'm not the best, but I'm working my way towards getting better with what programs I have.
Please let me know :) my skype is kaitlin.lakeview and my Kik is itsthepimp.
I design banners and stuff. Here's mine that I did earlier on. my skype xltlukex
Hey guys and girls, we just changed to the new youtube layout, thinking that I could make a banner on my own. Then I realized that the dimensions were too small for our banner and we don't have any way of producing a larger scale of the banner we have. So we are turning to all graphic designers for help! We would like to know if any of you could help us out with making a banner for our channel. It would help us out so much and in return we will give you a shoutout and help you grow your channel in any way possible! Thanks for anyone who replies and we will talk to you later! :D

I'm sure i could help you. Add me on skype: chriscraft92