I'll break it down for you. The content of your channel is going to be gaming, based off of what you've said so far. You don't need to put a label on it beyond that. If you like to play story based games, then play story based games. If you like FPS, then do that, and so on and so on. No matter what TYPE of games you choose to play, you're still technically a gaming channel. (The entirety of this comment is based off the fact that in your second post you said you like to play story based games, and both your old and new channel name both have the word 'gaming' in it.) If you're NOT trying to play video games on your channel and the purpose of this post was to find something OTHER than gaming to do on your channel, than I'm confused why your new channel name has gaming in it lol. Also do not just try to make a channel based off of what you think will get the most subs/views, as it will most likely have the opposite effective. What gets the most views/subs is not always what you're best at and it probably won't be something you legitimately enjoy, and thus your channel will more than likely fail. Doing something you actually enjoy is the most important part, because that's really what youtube is about. Hope this gave you some things to consider!