Need Camera/Camcorder!


Active Member
Hey YTT!
Forgive me if I've posted this question in the wrong forum :)

I've been posting a few piano covers, but the quality is pretty terrible. I want to record covers in HD, and also I'd like a mic input jack so that the audio would go directly to the video.

I saw this camcorder: Panasonic V110
but it turns out, there's no mic input! :(

My budget is around $200.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks guys!
You may want to expand your budget a little bit so you could get a solid equipment - meaning you wouldn't have to switch for a long time. You could purchase an audio interface and a large/small-diaphragm condenser microhpone in order to get good results. So you would record the audio and video seperately. ;)
As your just working with sound, why not get a mic for 100-200 ? a good mic will cost already around that price, there fore your budget will expand from your 400 dollar camera ( if you want mic input) then another 100 - 200 for a mic. i would go for the sound only :D
Thanks for your replies guys!
Problem is, I definitely need to stick to this budget.

GP - In my case, I think it'd be easier to just record it with the good quality audio in one go. What do you think? I don't really have much time now, but I'm hoping I'll have more time in college (which is a whole nother story). For now, I just want to get content up.

Lanorc - I currently don't have a camera/camcorder at the moment, as I lost my old camera. Because it won't be me speaking, and just the piano, I think it'd be alright it there's a line in from the Keyboard to the Recorder. Sound alright?

Thanks again guys.