Request Need an intro and a profile pic (do both or just one..)

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So I need an intro because my intro as of now is just a generic template intro with my name and some techno music, and I really don't like it. What I want is an intro with my name on it (NO TECHNO/DUBSTEP MUSIC!) with a red and orange theme, so if you have something like that that I can see, be sure to reply so I can look!

Profile picture:
Right now it's a drawing of the face of my minecraft skin. What I would like is a "D" for DetroitPvP again with a red and orange theme.

If you can help me with this I will definitely be sure to make mention of it in my video and direct them to your channel or other type of social media which will be put in the description.
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Please add additional payment information into your thread, as requested in this forum's rules:

If you would like this work to be done for free, please state that in your thread. ^_^

If you can help me with this I will definitely be sure to make mention of it in my video and direct them to your channel or other type of social media which will be put in the description.

Hello Detroit PvP. I can make an intro the way you want. Please contact me in skype: live:tazdiqul

I added you.
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