Super Poster
Hey guys could somebody make me a thumbnail that says "NBA 2k13 My Team: Bringing The Heat". Thanks guys!
hhmm challenge accepted so what text font and color
Any text font you think would look good for a thumbnail. And probably red for the text!
Unrelated but, yay! Your channel comes up now on the search under the channel filter... I know you had problems with it before and Psy's channel was showing up on the search instead, ha.
Hmm okey so here is what I though The text to the left and basketball arena in the background and a basket ball player of your choice to the right [DOUBLEPOST=1377949520,1377947571][/DOUBLEPOST]here it's done
(mod edit: I removed the adfly link cos they're dodgy and put it to the photoshop page direct)
YES OH THANK GOD. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention!!!!![DOUBLEPOST=1377976455,1377976418][/DOUBLEPOST]
Thanks man!
Glad you liked it bro Could you give us a small shoutout ^^ we would really appriciate it
I'll give creds in the description because the video is already posted
I'll give creds in the description because the video is already posted
Okey ^^ Thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1377983315,1377983093][/DOUBLEPOST]
and hey how do you get so many views ^^ Could ya tell me is it your tags or ?