Request Need a thumbnail

Any text font you think would look good for a thumbnail. And probably red for the text!

Hmm okey so here is what I though The text to the left and basketball arena in the background and a basket ball player of your choice to the right :)[DOUBLEPOST=1377949520,1377947571][/DOUBLEPOST]here it's done :)

(mod edit: I removed the adfly link cos they're dodgy and put it to the photoshop page direct)
Unrelated but, yay! Your channel comes up now on the search under the channel filter... I know you had problems with it before and Psy's channel was showing up on the search instead, ha.
Unrelated but, yay! Your channel comes up now on the search under the channel filter... I know you had problems with it before and Psy's channel was showing up on the search instead, ha.

YES OH THANK GOD. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention!!!!![DOUBLEPOST=1377976455,1377976418][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hmm okey so here is what I though The text to the left and basketball arena in the background and a basket ball player of your choice to the right :)[DOUBLEPOST=1377949520,1377947571][/DOUBLEPOST]here it's done :)

(mod edit: I removed the adfly link cos they're dodgy and put it to the photoshop page direct)

Thanks man!