Need a podcast name


I make moving pictures!
Hello creative folks, Cherry Rammer and I decided to start a collab and do weekly video podcasts. The one thing we didn't figure out is a name! If you guys can put on your thinking caps and give us some cool suggestions, we love you long time (will totally credit you too haha)

Some info on us:
His channel name is: Cherry Rammer
My channel name is: William Phan, I also go by Will Box on conventions and photography

We focus on nerdy/geeky topics, for example our last two were on Game of Thrones Season 3 and E3 discussion. We are probably going to stick with topics like that, maybe review new movies like Superman etc... or comics or videogames, whatever is podcast worthy.

Our location is my apartment on a couch lol. And we are looking to have guests come on to do segments down the road. In person or via skype.

Ok enough background info, you guys think you can come up with a cool name?
Casting Couch with Will Rammer .... oh wait, that can go down some dark roads, lol

but seriously though:
Nerd Storming
Canadian Geek
Made from Geekdom (or just Geekdom)
Nerd Concentrate
or Rammer Box