Need a naughty trick...


YTtalk Mad
Ok now that I have your attention.

Hallo ladies and mentlegen.

I want to know if their is a way to directly record from a video camera to a pc. Do I need to buy a capture card ? What is needed ? Is their an "easy way out"

Thanks for the read
Sandman out
from video camera to PC? maybe, most video cameras should come with the web cam option now days (at least a lot of the newers 1s should) and you'd probably need capture software for that. It's probably just easier & cheaper to record to the camera.
Most camera's do not allow you to record through into the PC. You will need to record on the camera and then just transfer it over.

You can use a capture card but the footage will be around 4 seconds behind what your filming. It will also lose quality unless the camera has a HDMI output and you get a HD Capture Card.
I ran into this problem recently; Unless your camera specifically offers a way of recording to your desktop, you'll need a third-party device, i.e. something like the BlackMagic Intensity. You'll also need a computer capable of recording the video without lag, otherwise you'll end up with a choppy video.
I know that I was able to accomplish this using final cut pro and firewire through my camera. But firewire isn't standard on cameras these days.