Need A Name For A Series.


A Wild Keebzy Appears!
Hey guys,

So, I'm starting a new gaming series where I go through loads of different games and record myself beating bosses from the games on their hardest difficulty and keep like a counter thing of how many times I've one and how many times I've lost. The problem is, I cannot think of a name for this series. I toyed with Man Vs. Boss but there's already lots of different "Man Vs. ???" series things out there so I'm stuck for a name, any suggestions? :)

Any help here would be much appreciated.

Hey guys,

So, I'm starting a new gaming series where I go through loads of different games and record myself beating bosses from the games on their hardest difficulty and keep like a counter thing of how many times I've one and how many times I've lost. The problem is, I cannot think of a name for this series. I toyed with Man Vs. Boss but there's already lots of different "Man Vs. ???" series things out there so I'm stuck for a name, any suggestions? :)

Any help here would be much appreciated.


Boss Brawl, Boss Battle, King Of Bosses, hmmm that's all I can think of...