I've Got It
I need a intro for my channel . Approximately 10-15 seconds long. Can anyone make it for me ? I'm also willing to pay YTcash
Thanks for asking. I wasn't gonna give out full details until I got a response.What kind of intro do you have in mind?
I noticed that this intro focused on one game, would you like your intro to focus on a certain game, and if yes then which one?Thanks for asking. I wasn't gonna give out full details until I got a response.
A intro like this : /watch?v=0u4lwP-64LI
0:00 - 0:19
Please respond back so I know you or somebody else can do something like this, I will give out further details within the next response.
I noticed that this intro focused on one game, would you like your intro to focus on a certain game, and if yes then which one?
Okay, I'll give you the full details through PM .Yes, I'm totally fine with making something like this
Okay, I'll just give you the information here.sorry but I can't use the PM feature yet (you need to have 50 posts to be able to) but I like your idea and I will send you a sample video later when it's done.