Voice Acting Native French and German speakers wanted


I've got a yen for being in Japan!
Looking for native French and German speakers , man or woman any age is fine. Just need to read one line in French and one in German. Anyone can? Reply here Thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1467114271,1467114215][/DOUBLEPOST]Error?
because I want a voice with the sound of a person well versed in that lamguage. Do you speak French or German? How well can you?
because I want a voice with the sound of a person well versed in that lamguage. Do you speak French or German? How well can you?
I barely speak either language.
I am A1 in German, so I only know the basic of the basic and my knowledge is spotty so I doubt I'd be a good fit for what you need.
I have a german friend though, she might be willing to do it :)
If she would like to, please let me know. But this video is not comedic and so bad accents will not work. Sorry
Hi, are you still searchin' for some french speakers ?
Can't help you with german, but for sure i can do the job (1 phrase right ?) for fr-thing...
eMail me if you want to be sure i'll get it, or Private message...