Narrative type of let's play!


Monthly Video Game Giveaway on my channel now!
I've got this idea out of the blue. I'll be playing games, mostly games with SILENT protagonist then I will narrate him a story showing highlights of the footage. xD

I'm thinking of playing Skyrim first, then record it when I'm playing. Then I'll edit it then make a script for narration. Looks good enough?

Anyways, could you suggest a game with silent protagonist? I'm thinking of dark souls but that will make me rage quit a lot of times.:))
I've already finished Portal 2. But hmmmm....screw myself for not having a damn money last summer sale.T_T Portal 1 it is. :)) but she's a girl. xD
Im not sure whether its the same but check out frankieonpcin1080p on youtube some of his videos really emmerse you and he is one of the best story tellers or commentators i have seen and liked in a while if im honest.