Name To Refer To Subs?

Hi guys,
I was just wondering what you guys opinion on reffering to your subs by a certain name? For Ex: Piewdipie always refers to his subs has bros. Do you guys think it is very important to have a name or refer to your subs in a certain way? If you do, could you guys help me out with choosing a name to refer to my subs. Because i honnestly would have no creative idea to do so.

Thanks A lot
For me personally, I don't mind either way. I feel like as long as the fans/community is addressed, a nickname isn't necessary. I think there are benefits of having one though. Off the top of my head: helpful in making you and your channel more memorable, a way of fans connecting with each other ("Hey, you're a bro? I'm a bro too!") which can help build a sense of close-nit community based on common interest. Still, both could be accomplished without a nickname, it would just be a bit different, I feel.

As for naming your own fans, perhaps choose words that you associate with them? Write down a list of words that come to mind when you think about your fans. You can even try a play-on-words using your username in it somehow. You could also involve your fans in your decision, they might like that.

Best of luck to ya' :)
@kami Yeah i sorta saw it the same way you did. I just felt like a nickname would make them feel like a part of something, and have a closer community. I will try and come up with one and see what i get.
I like to say 'Hello Friends!' I am working on not being nervous and coming across as more genuine so I feel like that term helps me connect more with my viewers.
I don't. I don't think it's necessary for me yet. But if you are a blogger always talking to your subs and want to make a good warm family connection with them then it's good to have a name for them.
Let them chose the name.
I call mine Panda's cause i'm PandaPlaysAll.
Im usually like. Like to make sure all us PANDA's out there don't go extinct.

Just make something up :p
Make them feel like family. Who else is better family than your drunk uncle! So make sure to refer to your subs as drunkles. That will surely make them feel welcomed.
I wouldn't go overboard, if people start addressing me with some strange name i tend to disconnect. I also dislike the word fan: I like some channels, that does not make me a fan...
i agree with what some others have said.. If it comes naturally that your viewers want a fanbase name or if they even generate one for themselves, then by all means reinforce it! but i personally have a negative reaction to fanbase names when they feel overly immature (JoshuaDTV's "dingleberries"), overused, or randomly adopted ("I woke up today and wanted to name you all __ so that's what I'm gonna call you from now on"). It creates a clan culture, which is good for growth, but it can also lead to annoying name-calling ("well you obviously aren't a true '___' then!"). But these are just my two cents.