Name My Quiz Show

Andy J. Valer

The Awko-Taco
Hello everyone. I need a little help with naming a quiz show that I want to do. I have come up with numerous names that are just too generic and not good. I come here for help in thinking of a name. The game show/quiz show is about any topic so there is no limit to what it can be called. I thank you for helping me and for the person that can help me with the best name, I would like to credit you in future videos.
Hmmm, here are a bunch of ideas that come to mind-

Quiz time, Answer that question, What's that answer. Those aren't very good, just the first things that I came up with :P
Is it going to be like a multiple choice like Who Want to be a Millionaire or out of the dome piece(brain) like Jeopardy?? Information like that might get the little animal that turns the wheel in our brains moving lol.
KnowledgeSink - Get it because you have to know about all kinds of things lol.
Colosseum of Insight - Have them dress like weird Romans :eek:
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