Name Help

Serena P

New Member
I'm really bad with thinking of names and all name Generators are s**t, so I'm hoping you guys can help me. I want a name that Call Of Duty Snipers have, if you know what I mean. For example: Pamaj, Jev, Loams,Zympt
They can't be actual names or words and they must be short or medium length.
Just moving this thread to this section of the forum :) I can't really think of a name..probably try and go with a nickname someone has given you, or something that is meaningful to you.
Really? You cannot think of any name? Really?

Then how about Ihavenoimaginationatall?

That's unique.

Please only post if you have something to constructive to add that helps the OP, I am sure if you were looking for a name you wouldn't appreciate a comment like the above :)
Please only post if you have something to constructive to add that helps the OP, I am sure if you were looking for a name you wouldn't appreciate a comment like the above :)
Have I been reported for bein mean? Haha. I'll try to be nice but it's hard when people clearly put no effort up themselves and take advantage of others. This is a hard task for me, I can be so blunt and open, and I like to make people realize they need to work hard themselves and not rely on others; which is constructive in my opinion... Though I tend to say it really bluntly, I admit.
I've months thinking of a name and I can't think of one. I have no nicknames and Name Generators don't work. I'm only relying on others because I have no other option. I came here seeking help, not attitude.