My videos have an addition in the YT search stating them as OFFICIAL, why?!


Active Member
Huh...? I have an unofficial channel for games and have not in any way tried to state that I am doing official stuff on that channel. Somehow I discovered that at least two of my videos comes up in the Youtube search with an addition that states OFFICIAL, it looks like the additions that states HD for videos that have HD quality available.
What is this and how did it got there?
Huh...? I have an unofficial channel for games and have not in any way tried to state that I am doing official stuff on that channel. Somehow I discovered that at least two of my videos comes up in the Youtube search with an addition that states OFFICIAL, it looks like the additions that states HD for videos that have HD quality available.
What is this and how did it got there?

Sorry but I have no idea what you mean. Could you send a screenshot?
That's strange. Perhaps someone with more experience and knowledge in this particular kind of stuff can help you out! :)
I found one person that have had it as well, but he have no idea on how it got there either:!mydiscussions/youtube/FiIVHWTHv7E

It looks nice and all with that label, actually inspired me to get a grip and start making HD vids, wanted that label too, haha, but the official label remains a mystery. :)

I actually have submitted videos to the official pet rescue saga channel as well, not the same vids, but same quality and recorder. The official channel vids don't have those official labels though. :O