My video got deleted but without any notification


I've Got It
Few days ago I have noticed that one of my videos is deleted.

It's not copyright, but it says that is rejected because of inappropriate content. There was NO nudity in the video of any kind. There was a girl with bra, but that's it, nothing else.

The strangest thing of all is that I didn't get any notification, didn't get warning, didn't get email from YouTube, nothing! Even my account is in good condition in all three categories! I even tried out to upload one of my videos which was longer than 15 minutes and it was uploaded successfully, no problems at all.

Has anything like this ever happened to you? It's really weird.
This never happened to me before, but like you said if there was a girl in bra maybe that's what they considered inappropriate. I don't know. As usual, I understand how hard it is to get in contact with YouTube.
The thing is that I completely accidentally noticed that video was deleted, I was searching for it and couldn't find it and when I searched "My videos" section I was surprised, but not in good way. I've immediately checked out email - nothing. Like it has never happened. Deletion is not weird as much as this no notification. Maybe I should be grateful instead:laugh2:
hmm ... might be something copyright bcuz even in some vlogs i had there was that i have copyright material when its just me lol am i that ugly ? ... don`t answer that lol
No, this has nothing to do with it. It says "This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service." It has nothing to do with copyright. I have received strikes before and know how it looks like, but this has nothing to do with it. It has been removed without any notification or warning.